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Confidence | Trusting Your Inner Wisdom

Confidence | Trusting Your Inner Wisdom 

Confidence is often seen as something we need to build or acquire through achievements or validation. But through the understanding of the Three Principles, we learn that confidence is not something external—it’s something that naturally arises when we trust in the wisdom within us. 

Thought and Confidence 

Flock of Birds for Confidence Blog

Lack of confidence comes from the thoughts we entertain about ourselves. Thoughts of self-doubt or insecurity are temporary, but when we give them power, they shape how we see ourselves. The Three Principles show us that these thoughts are not who we are—they are just fleeting ideas that come and go. When we stop identifying with insecure thoughts, confidence naturally emerges. 

The Power of Inner Wisdom 

Mind, the deeper intelligence that guides all of life, provides us with the wisdom we need in every moment. Confidence comes from trusting in this wisdom, rather than relying on external validation. When we understand that we don’t need to control or manage our thoughts, we stop looking for confidence outside of ourselves and instead allow it to arise from within. 

Letting Go of Insecure Thought 

Confidence isn’t about forcing ourselves to think positively—it’s about recognizing the temporary nature of insecure thought. When we let go of these thoughts, we reconnect with the inner clarity and confidence that are always available to us. 



Confidence is not something you need to acquire—it’s something that naturally arises when you stop identifying with insecure thoughts and trust in your inner wisdom. 

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Pransky & Associates

In 1976, George and Linda Pransky stumbled on a new way of helping people that was radically different from the traditional counseling methods they had been using in their work. The new principles they were learning had a huge impact on their personal lives, their relationship, and the way they worked with their clients. They began to teach these principles to their clients and became pioneers in a new field of psychology that profoundly changed people in a short amount of time.

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