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Understanding in Parenting | Seeing Beyond Behavior

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Understanding in Parenting | Seeing Beyond Behavior

As parents, we often focus on our children’s behavior, trying to guide, correct, or manage it. But the understanding of the Three Principles—Mind, Thought, and Consciousness—teaches us that true understanding in parenting goes beyond behavior. It comes from recognizing that our children, like us, are operating from their own thoughts and feelings in the moment. By understanding this, we can approach parenting with more compassion, patience, and connection.

Thought and Behavior 

Our children’s behavior is a reflection of their thinking. Just as our moods shift based on our thoughts, so too do the moods and actions of our children. When we see that their behavior is shaped by thought, we stop taking it so personally and begin to approach it with more empathy. This shift in perspective helps us see beyond the behavior to the child’s experience, making it easier to offer support and guidance without reacting emotionally.


Consciousness: Expanding Awareness as Parents 

Consciousness helps us become aware of our own reactions as parents. When our children misbehave, we often get caught up in our own thoughts about what they’re doing wrong or how we’re failing as parents. This thinking clouds our ability to connect with our children. By becoming aware of these thoughts, we create space to respond to our children with more understanding and patience, rather than frustration or blame. 

Mind: Trusting in the Natural Intelligence of Parenting


The deeper intelligence of Mind guides us in parenting just as it does in all areas of life. When we trust in this wisdom, we stop trying to control every aspect of our children’s behavior and instead allow the relationship to grow naturally. Mind helps us see that understanding our children doesn’t mean fixing them—it means connecting with them on a deeper level and trusting that both we and they have the wisdom to navigate challenges. 




Understanding in parenting comes from seeing beyond our children’s behavior and recognizing the thoughts and feelings that drive it. By trusting in the deeper wisdom of Mind and becoming aware of our own thinking, we can approach parenting with more patience, empathy, and connection.

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